Marketing On Demand

you don't have to employ a full time marketing team, but you can still look like you do.

attract new attention with social media marketing

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and more...We've got them all covered.

Refresh your look

affordable, quality wordpress websites

Meet the Team

ducks in a row

The Duck Diver Marketing team has many years of experience at marketing.  More specifically, marketing diving.  Mama Duck Megan was the marketing manager for Aqua Lung for more than 10 years, and our resident geek has helped to put ScubaBoard on the map.

Meet the Ducks
complete marketing

turtle and duck

Whether you’re a large company or a small one, sometimes you just don’t have the staff to handle your marketing needs.  We specialize in à la carte marketing to suit your specific needs.

We have experience with large event production, promotions, banners and booths, flyers, brochures, ad campaigns and more.
